, pub-3351330411347785, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 interior designer Bharat Negi Uttrakhand ✅✅✅ - Uttarakhand HuB

Do painting work Nanda Devi painter Gairsain district chamoli uttarakhand all in one painting service (Full experienced worker) best painter in gairsain ramra painter mehalchauri painting worker नंदा देवी पेंटर गैरसैंण

नंदा देवी पेंटर गैरसैंण Nanda Devi Painter Gairsain

नंदा देवी पेंटर गैरसैंण सभी प्रकार की पेंटिंग, पुट्टी, घिसाई, डबल पेंट, डिजाइन, फिनिशिंग इत्यादि पूर्ण रूप से और संतोषजनक रूप से किया जाता है।

नंदा देवी पेंटिंग सर्विस गैरसैंण Nanda Devi painting service

नंदा देवी पेंटिंग सर्विस गैरसैंण – मेहलचौरी के बीच रहने वाले कुछ लडको द्वारा लॉकडाउन के बाद से शुरू किया गया है और हमें अपने क्षेत्रीय लोगों को इस प्रकार के स्वयं से होने वाले काम के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना चाहिए साथ ही जहां तक हो सके सपोर्ट करना चाहिए।

नंदा देवी पेंटर से सम्पर्क करने के लिए जानकारी नीचे दी गई है

यदि किसी प्रकार की समस्या आपको सम्पर्क करने में आ रही है तो आप नीचे कमेंट कर जानकारी दे सकते हैं।

नंदा देवी पेंटर

मोबाइल नंबर 

हरेंद्र सिंह जी 


वीरेन्द्र सिंह जी


कॉल करने के लिए नंबर पर क्लिक करें 

पता आगरचट्टी, तहसील गैरसैंण जिला चमोली उत्तराखण्ड pin 246431, उत्तराखण्ड

एक बार सेवा का अवसर अवश्य दें

Nanda Devi painting work list नंदा देवी कार्य सूची

  • पेंटिंग, 
  • पुट्टी, 
  • घिसाई, 
  • डबल पेंट, 
  • डिजाइन, 
  • फिनिशिंग


सभी प्रकार के पेंटिंग कार्य किए जाते हैं
नंदा देवी पेंटर से जुड़े कुछ फोटोज देखने के लिए
आने वाले समय पर फोटोज को और जोड़ा जायेगा💪

Home & interior Designer (Free consult) Mr. Bharat Negi ✅✅

we design everything (Home, flats) with affordable price you can call and consult (it is free for limited time) 😍, design your dreams with us We are for you feel free to contact us. 
interior designer Bharat Negi
Interior designer
After Lockdown how he stand
When life gives you lemon, make lemonade
after Lockdown Mr. bharat Negi
This article we are writing with a story of Lockdown, Mr. Bharat Negi 
Eight years ago,he completed his study and went to the city for a job, after many interviews he got a job, then he started a job with a great hard work all things are going well he got promotions, thinking about future and many things as all think.

But Life never be same all time, after covid spread job is temp. off until normalcy is back, but after month and month the same condition is going on, no work is there.
After three month, he started a self business with his great effort and now he standed his business and working with great hard work.

moral: No one can stop you, until you have appetency.

About Interior designer

first thing is that why we have to choose an interior designer, we are making our house so why he design our house?
so answer of this brilliant question is that once you have made your Sweet Home you can not make changes smoothly and lots of people can’t afford another home cost. so why we are not paying small amount for saving our lot’s of money. 😎
one of the biggest plus point is that when designer design your house you can see Dream Home how it will look.

How interior designer will design your house

In this Modern era, our requirement is different & all we want to save money and space according to our home/office this all thing we can be done by calling Interior designer they are professional people’s who can manage all things, and create our house as our requirement.

designing procedure for home/office/restaurant/school/renovation etc.

  • contact interior designer
  • Tell about your requirement
  • wait for design preparation (By project design you can see how cool your dream will look)
  • see project design given from Interior designer (you can call for changes)
  • make your dream house with Project design
Cost of Home Designer or interior designer
Home Designer or interior designer is very small according to your budget and plot size also you can consult easily with designer.

We Design

Interior Designer, furniture designer, Space planning, layout drawings, Furniture Designing, false ceiling, flooring designing, furnishing,Detail working Drawings in Auto visit with site executive. Ppt, Estimate.

Residence & commercial project

 house 🏠 , office, banquet hall, factory, restaurant, shop.
Post :- interior designer
ITI :- civil draught man

Contact details of Your dreams


interior%2Bdesigner%2BBharat%2BNegi%2BUttrakhand%2B%25E2%259C%2585%25E2%259C%2585%25E2%259C%2585 interior designer Bharat Negi Uttrakhand ✅✅✅


Name :- Mr. Bharat Negi
Address:- vill harsari
P.O:- Mehalchauri Chamoli, Uttrakhand
Pin :- 246431
Experience;- 8 year 

Mobile :- +917827522858

(click to Dial phone no.)
Email :- (click to Email)

see our project and design images

Social media Links

you can also contact to our social media page 😍

चमोली chamoli से सम्बंधित अन्य लेख पढ़ें

किसी भी लेख को पढने या सम्बंधित फोटो को देखने के लिए नीचे दिये गये नाम पर क्लिक करें



3 thoughts on “interior designer Bharat Negi Uttrakhand ✅✅✅

  1. Congratulations bro something is better then nothing I wish you should never stop learning teaching,and progress in your life.keep it up brother

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